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Hardwood Plants and Trees
Dalbergia sissoo (Sisu/Sheesham/Tahli/Indian Rosewood)
19 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 10-12
40-60 feet spread and 60-80 feet high
0 Reviews
Quercus rubra (Red Oak)
11 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 3-8
40-50 feet spread and 60-70 feet high
0 Reviews
Diospyros mespiliformis (Jackalberry, African Ebony, Persimmon)
1 Nursery grows this plant.
Climate Zones 10-13
up to 15 meters (49 feet) spread and up to 25 meters (82 feet) high
0 Reviews
Krugiodendron ferreum (Black Ironwood/Leadwood)
1 Nursery grows this plant.
Climate Zones 10-12
10 feet spread and 30 feet high
0 Reviews
Lysiloma sabicu (Weeping Sabicu, Horseflesh Mahogany)
2 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 10-13
20-30 feet spread and 30-40 feet high
0 Reviews
Fraxinus americana (White Ash)
64 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 3-9
Unknown spread and 50-80 feet high
0 Reviews
Fraxinus americana 'Rosehill' (White Ash 'Rosehill')
34 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 3-9
30 feet spread and 50 feet high
0 Reviews
Fraxinus americana 'Skyline/Skycole' (White Ash)
29 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 3-9
Variable spread and 50 feet high
0 Reviews
Swietenia mahagoni (Mahogany tree)
25 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 10-12
Unknown spread and Up to 30 meters high
0 Reviews
Quercus alba (White Oak)
170 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 3-9
50-80 feet spread and 80-100 feet high
0 Reviews
Quercus rubra (Red Oak)
104 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 3-9
45-50 feet spread and 60-80 feet high
0 Reviews
Quercus kelloggii (California Black Oak)
13 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 5-9
30-40 feet spread and 40-50 feet high
0 Reviews
Quercus rubra (Northern Red Oak)
361 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 3-9
45-50 feet spread and 60-75 feet high
0 Reviews
Quercus rubra (Northern Red Oak)
1 Nursery grows this plant.
Climate Zones 3-8
50-70 feet spread and up to 80 feet high
0 Reviews
Quercus rubra (Red Oak)
3 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 3-8
50-80 feet spread and 75-100 feet high
0 Reviews
Guaicum officinale (Roughbark Lignum-vitae)
1 Nursery grows this plant.
Climate Zones 10-13
20-25 feet spread and 30-40 feet high
0 Reviews
Carpinus caroliniana (Hornbeam/Ironwood/Blue Beech)
99 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 3-9
15-20 feet spread and 25 feet high
0 Reviews
Toona serrata (Chinese mahogany)
1 Nursery grows this plant.
Climate Zones 9-11
40-60 feet spread and 50-80 feet high
0 Reviews
Ulmus carpinifolia 'Patriot' (Patriot Smoothleaf Elm)
7 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 5-9
35 feet spread and 55 feet high
0 Reviews
Acacia melanoxylon (Blackwood Acacia)
2 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 8-11
About 30 feet spread and Up to 50 feet high
0 Reviews
Olneya tesota (Desert Ironwood)
22 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 8-11
10-20 feet spread and 15-30 feet high
0 Reviews
Ostrya virginiana (American Hophornbeam/Ironwood)
49 Nurseries grow this plant.
Climate Zones 4-9
Unknown spread and 40 feet high
0 Reviews
Cordia goeldiana (Freijo, South American Walnut, Frei Jorge)
1 Nursery grows this plant.
Climate Zones 9-11
40-50 feet spread and 60-80 feet high
0 Reviews
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Garden Gate Nursery LLC
Garden Gate Nursery is a wholesale container tree nursery in Pasco WA, serving the United States with High-quality container trees.
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