Garden Gate Nursery LLC

Visit Garden Gate Nursery LLC Website
This Company is featured by NurseryPeople.
Garden Gate Nursery is a wholesale container tree nursery in Pasco WA, serving the United States with High-quality container trees.
Containers/ Retail Ready

Company Locations

Garden Gate Pasco

Office Location
2761 W Sagemoor Rd
Pasco, Washington 99301
Main Location

Garden Gate Oregon

Office Location
10990 SE 362nd ave
Boring, Oregon 97009

Boise Idaho Delivery Area

Service location, but not a physical location.

Boise, Idaho

Denver, Colorado Delivery Area

Service location, but not a physical location.

Denver, Colorado

Spokane, Washington Delivery Area

Service location, but not a physical location.

Spokane, Washington

Seattle, Washington Delivery Area

Service location, but not a physical location.

Seattle, Washington

Portland, Oregon Delivery Area

Service location, but not a physical location.

Portland, Oregon

Helena Montana Delivery location

Service location, but not a physical location.

Helena, Montana

Carson City

Service location, but not a physical location.

Carson City, Nevada


Service location, but not a physical location.

Salt Lake City, Utah


Service location, but not a physical location.

Phoenix, Arizona


Service location, but not a physical location.

Cheyenne, Wyoming

New Mexico

Service location, but not a physical location.

Santa Fe, New Mexico


Service location, but not a physical location.

Austin, Texas

North Dakota

Service location, but not a physical location.

Bismarck, North Dakota

South Dakota

Service location, but not a physical location.

Pierre, South Dakota


Service location, but not a physical location.

Lincoln, Nebraska


Service location, but not a physical location.

Topeka, Kansas


Service location, but not a physical location.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Service location, but not a physical location.

Little Rock, Arkansas


Service location, but not a physical location.

St. Paul, Minnesota


Service location, but not a physical location.

Des Moines, Iowa


Service location, but not a physical location.

Jefferson City, Missouri


Service location, but not a physical location.

Madison, Wisconsin


Service location, but not a physical location.

Springfield, Illinois


Service location, but not a physical location.

Indianapolis, Indiana


Service location, but not a physical location.

Columbus, Ohio


Service location, but not a physical location.

Lansing, Michigan

West Virginia

Service location, but not a physical location.

Charleston, West Virginia


Service location, but not a physical location.

Sacramento, California
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+1 509-547-2254
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104 plant varieties listed as growing on NurseryPeople
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30 Locations
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